Fall 2024 Course Syllabus
Course: ARTS-1316 (Section: 01, CRN: 91241)
Drawing I
LSCPA Logo Image
Instructor Information
Instructor Mary Catherine Wilbur
Email wilburmc@lamarpa.edu
Phone 4099846209
Office Hours Location: PAC Blackbox Theater
Office Hours: (Appointment Only) MW 10am-2:30pm, TR 1pm-2:30pm, Friday 10am-12pm


Additional Contact Information
Course Information
Description A foundation studio course exploring drawing with emphasis on descriptive, expressive and conceptual approaches. Students will learn to see and interpret a variety of subjects while using diverse materials and techniques which promote the appreciation of cultural expression. Course work will facilitate a dialogue in which students will engage in critical analysis and begin to develop their understanding of drawing as a discipline.
Required Textbooks Textbook Purchasing Statement: A student attending Lamar State College Port Arthur is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from the college-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer.

Additional Materials/Resources Required Art Supplies:

1 Sketchbook 18” x 12” 
1 Drawing Paper Pad 18” x 24”
1 Workable Spray Fixative 
A set of pencils: 4H, 2H, B, 2B, 6B
Charcoal Sticks: Soft, Medium, Hard
Vine Charcoal 
1 Kneaded Eraser 
White Polymer Erasers
Blending Stumps 
Pencil Sharpener 
White Charcoal Pencils 

Provided by LSCPA

Corequisites/Prerequisites None
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this semester, students will be able to:
Describe visual subjects through the use of accurate and sensitive observation.
Generate drawings which demonstrate descriptive, expressive, and conceptual approaches. 
Utilize varied materials and techniques with informed aesthetic and conceptual strategies. 
Demonstrate an appropriate level of professional practice, including safety, craft and presentation. 
Analyze and critique drawings verbally and/or in writing. Relate drawing to design, art history and contemporary artistic production.
Core Objectives
Communication skills: Students will demonstrate effective written, oral and/or visual communication.
Critical Thinking Skills: Students will engage in creative and/or innovative thinking, and/or inquiry, analysis, evaluation, synthesis of information, organizing concepts and constructing solutions.
Teamwork: Students will demonstrate the ability to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal and consider different points of view.
Social Responsibility: Students will demonstrate intercultural competency and civic knowledge by engaging effectively in local, regional, national and/or global communities.
Personal Responsibility: Students will demonstrate the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making.
Lecture Topics Outline
Week 1 (Aug 26-30) - Course Introduction, Syllabus, Materials Overview,
Learning to See
Week 2 (Sept 2-6) -  Sighting and Measuring, Line
Week 3 (Sept 9-13) - Critique Strategies, Gesture Drawing
Week 4 (Sept 16-20) - One-Point Perspective, Two-Point Perspective (Boxes)
Week 5 (Sept 23-27) - Three-Point Perspective, Distortion/Illusion, Atmospheric Perspective
Week 6 (Sept 30 - Oct 4) - Sustained Drawing Still-Life 
Week 7 (Oct 7-11) - Midterm Critiques
Week 8 (Oct 14-18) - Intro to chalk pastels: Basic color theory; warm + cool; tint, tone and shade
Week 9 (Oct 21-25) - Chalk pastel on gray paper; tonal value and color;
Week 10 (Oct 28 - Nov 1) - Value cont’d: Shadows, reflections, surfaces and textures
Week 11 (Nov 4 - 8) - Composition: Page design; positive/negative space
Week 12 (Nov 11-15) - Cumulative/Comprehensive drawings;  Begin Final Studio Projects
Week 13 (Nov 18 - 22) -Expressions magazine and why we do it Sketchbooks Due
Week 14 (Nov 25 - 29) - Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 15 (Dec 2-6) - Final Critique
Major Assignments Schedule
Midterm Critique: October 10th
Final Critique: December 3rd
Sketchbook Due: November 21st
Week 1 (Aug 26-30) - Course Introduction, Syllabus, Materials Overview,
Learning to See
Week 2 (Sept 2-6) -  Sighting and Measuring, Line
Week 3 (Sept 9-13) - Critique Strategies, Gesture Drawing
Week 4 (Sept 16-20) - One-Point Perspective, Two-Point Perspective (Boxes)
Week 5 (Sept 23-27) - Three-Point Perspective, Distortion/Illusion, Atmospheric Perspective
Week 6 (Sept 30 - Oct 4) - Sustained Drawing Still-Life 
Week 7 (Oct 7-11) - Midterm Critiques
Week 8 (Oct 14-18) - Intro to chalk pastels: Basic color theory; warm + cool; tint, tone and shade
Week 9 (Oct 21-25) - Chalk pastel on gray paper; tonal value and color;
Week 10 (Oct 28 - Nov 1) - Value cont’d: Shadows, reflections, surfaces and textures
Week 11 (Nov 4 - 8) - Composition: Page design; positive/negative space
Week 12 (Nov 11-15) - Cumulative/Comprehensive drawings;  Begin Final Studio Projects
Week 13 (Nov 18 - 22) -Expressions magazine and why we do it Sketchbooks Due
Week 14 (Nov 25 - 29) - Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 15 (Dec 2-6) - Final Critique
Final Exam Date December 3, 2024 - 9:30 AM   Through  December 3, 2024 - 12:15 PM
Grading Scale  90 - 100=A 80 - 89=B  70 - 79=C   60 - 69=D  Below 59 = F
Determination of
Final Grade
Studio Projects: 60%
Midterm Critique: 10%
Final Critique: 15%
Participation: 5%
Sketchbook: 10%
Course Policies
Instructor Policies
Critiques are an integral part of the course and will take place often throughout the semester.
Formal critiques will take place on the designated date that a project is due. You will be evaluated on your participation, etiquette, engagement and use of vocabulary we have learned in class. Failure to attend a scheduled critique may result in a failing grade for that project (unless prior arrangements were made before the scheduled critique). If you are absent for class(es) prior to a scheduled critique you are still responsible for having your completed assignment ready for the day of critique. If you do not have your project completed you are nonetheless expected to attend and participate in discussion.
Informal critiques will sometimes spontaneously occur during workdays. Therefore, students should be present in class and ready to participate in critique and discussion at all times.
Critiques are calculated in your Studio Projects grade. You will lose points for late arrival, early exits, elongated breaks, lack of engagement, use of phone during critique, and poor etiquette.

Food is not allowed in the classroom. Water bottles and closed-top drinks are allowed.
Phone and Music
I expect you to be an adult with your phone usage. If phone usage becomes disruptive, I reserve the right to ban phone usage from the classroom. Student may listen to music with earbuds during drawing sessions
You are required to put the class and section number in the subject line of the email. I will respond promptly in 24-48 hrs. I am available during business hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. I do not respond to emails in the evening or the weekend. Please use your lamarpa email to communicate with me as emails from Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, etc. may end up in a clutter folder and I will not see it, and therefore, not respond. Most questions can be answered by reading the class syllabus, assignment sheet, or other directions available to you in Blackboard. Students should always be aware of the tone and structure of their correspondence. 
Civility in the Classroom
Student incivility, rudeness, or attacks of a personal nature will not be tolerated, whether directed at the instructor or another student. Any student engaging in disruptive or disrespectful activities on campus or in online classes will be required to cease such behavior. If the behavior continues after the first warning, the student will no longer continue as a student of the course.
Syllabus Change Policy
I reserve the right to adjust this syllabus, assignments, and due dates as needed.  Any changes will be announced in class and sent as an announcement through the Blackboard system. You should check your email daily for any announcements about the course.

Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is essential to learning and I take it very seriously.   Academic dishonesty will not be accepted in this class.  Students are to submit their own work – not the work of others.  If you submit other’s work as your own or submit assignments using resources not allowed, not only are you jeopardizing your academic future, but you are paying for an education you are not receiving and you are wasting your own time and energy in an effort not to learn. It is expected that students are submitting their original work. 
All student submissions are checked for plagiarism and use of any materials not authorized for use for an assignment is prohibited. Should this be an issue with any assignment you submit, you will receive a 0 on the assignment and, possibly an F in the class. The use of article rewriting tools, or other AI technology is unacceptable, not allowed, and will result in a 0 for the assignment. If there are indications of academic dishonesty, students may be asked to take a written, or verbal assessment in my presence.  
If an issue arises with your work, I reserve the right to go back and reassess/regrade previously submitted work to see if academic dishonesty has occurred with previous submissions. Assigning an F for the course for plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty is at my discretion if the offense is flagrant or repeated.  Please note that I decide if an offense is flagrant or repeated – not the student. 
Lamar State College - Port Arthur Academic Dishonesty Policy:
Lamar State College-Port Arthur considers academic dishonesty, including collusion, cheating, and plagiarism as defined in the Student Handbook, to be a serious academic offense.  Students guilty of such behavior will be subject to the following penalties:
First offense:  Student will receive a failing grade on the exam or assignment with no possibility for a make-up.  If the offense is flagrant, the student may receive an ‘F’ in the course.  The student's name and the documented offense will be forwarded to the proper college officials. 
Second offense:  Student will receive an ‘F’ in the course with no possibility for make-up.  The student's name and the documented offense will be forwarded to the proper university officials.  All accused students will be given a written notice of the offense, the penalty assessed, and the right of appeal to the department chair/advisory committee.
Attendance Policy
Roll will be taken at the beginning of class. 5 minutes late will mark you tardy. 10 minutes will mark you absent. You must attend every assigned class day according to LSCPA policy. Attendance is expected. Life, partying too hard, and breakups all happen. You have 3 unexcused absences before you drop a letter grade. Use them wisely. Excessive absences and tardiness will have a detrimental effect on your overall performance in class. 
3 Lates = 1 Absence for Class 
3 Unexcused Absences = 1 Letter Drop for Class
6 Unexcused Absences = 2 Letter Drops for Class
9 Unexcused Absences = Fail the Class
Additional Information
Institutional Policies
MyLSCPA Be sure to check your campus email and Course Homepage using MyLSCPA campus web portal. You can also access your grades, transcripts, academic advisors, degree progress, and other services through MyLSCPA.
Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSCPA policies (Academic Dishonesty section in the Student Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty.
ADA Considerations The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241.
COVID 19 Information The Lamar State College Port Arthur (LSCPA) Student Code of Conduct COVID 19 Policy requires students who have been diagnosed with COVID 19 to report their condition directly to their local health department. Students should also contact their course faculty to report their quarantine status. In addition, this policy requires all students to wear face coverings when directly exposed to COVID 19 in compliance with the criteria included in the policy. For more information please refer to the COVID 19 link on the LSCPA website.
Facility Policies No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission. Use of electronic devices is prohibited.
HB 2504 This syllabus is part of LSCPA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect As per Texas law and LSCPA policy, all LSCPA employees, including faculty, are required to report allegations or disclosures of child abuse or neglect to the designated authorities, which may include a local or state law enforcement agency or the Texas Department of Family Protective Services. For more information about mandatory reporting requirements, see LSCPA's Policy and Procedure Manual.
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct LSCPA is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment that is free from all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other forms of sexual misconduct. All LSCPA employees, including faculty, have the responsibility to report disclosures of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault (including rape and acquaintance rape), domestic violence, dating violence, relationship violence, or stalking, to LSCPA's Title IX Coordinator, whose role is to coordinate the college's response to sexual misconduct. For more information about Title IX protections, faculty reporting responsibilities, options for confidential reporting, and the resources available for support visit LSCPA's Title IX website.
Clery Act Crime Reporting For more information about the Clery Act and crime reporting, see the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report and the Campus Security website.

Grievance / Complaint / Concern If you have a grievance, complaint, or concern about this course that has not been resolved through discussion with the Instructor, please consult the Department Chair.
Department Information
Commercial Music, Visual and Performing Arts
Chair:Dr. Blas Canedo Gonzalez
Phone:(409) 984-6547